Being a minority owned organization, with teams spread across the globe, composed of different races, ethnicities, cultures, religions and beliefs, Infoglen is a space where diversity is celebrated, differences are seen as strengths, and equal opportunities & rewards are accessible to everyone. We are determined to provide an environment that inspires people to be their most authentic selves and tap into their best potential.

Equal Pay
Our policy of equal opportunities and equal pay for all employees is central to our mission to achieve equality at work. In measuring performance, we use a transparent and participative approach, where employees set their own work goals and map progress, based on which their achievements are reviewed. All reviews & appraisals that determine employees’ pay are impartial to gender, race, ethnicity, religion, etc. and focus on proficiency, effort, initiative and leadership showcased by employees in their area of work. At Infoglen there is complete gender pay equity in all our offices across different countries.

Hiring The Best
It is vital that people at Infoglen feel proud and excited about the diverse backgrounds they come from, because we do. Our hiring policy is cognizant of the existing inequalities affecting members of underrepresented communities. We hire women, veterans and people across minority groups. We stand firmly against racism and any other forms of discrimination and offer people from all communities, especially underrepresented ones, an equal chance to build & boost their careers at Infoglen.

Leadership Matters
For us, leadership is an important indicator of how well we are practicing inclusivity & equality. Infoglen is an organization where each employee has equal access to leadership roles and decision-making opportunities and knows that there is nothing that will come between them and success. Infoglen is a women and minority-owned company. We have women, veterans and people from underrepresented religious and ethnic groups in some of our top leadership and executive positions and we continue to welcome people from all backgrounds in these positions.

More Power To Women
In a sector where women are still outnumbered by men, we are developing a space for women employees to connect, discuss challenges and find support. The Women Infogleners (WI) Circle is a forum for leadership mentoring, where women at Infoglen share their experiences, resources and tips to help each other achieve their personal & professional goals.
We encourage women to lead initiatives and teams, and currently have women in over 34% of the leadership roles. We also have training programs for women who want to reinvent their careers after a break. This is our attempt to break the bias surrounding working women who take time out for their families.
Know more about our COO’s stand on creating a more equitable workplace for women.

Infoglen is focused on implementing policies, across its different locations, that ensure inclusion, diversity and equality for all and make Infoglen a safe space for its people.
Saba Ahmad
Co-Founder & COO
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